Advent 2018: Foreword

Published December 1, 2018 by Steve Wells

Advent is the season in which we wait for—and then celebrate God's gift of Christ and of salvation. But waiting for Christmas morning is different for us than it was for those who awaited the Messiah in ancient times—they did not know when He would come.

It's hard to put ourselves in the same mindset as they were when the day we celebrate Christ's coming is actually set on our calendar as December 25. On the other hand, knowing when the celebration we now call Christmas occurs every year does provide to us a special and helpful blessing—the opportunity to get ready, to prepare.

So this year, I invite you to prepare in a more intentional way.

Most of us find it is easier to keep our commitments when we calendar them. When we see the actual appointments on our daily calendar, we make room for them. We prepare and organize the rest of the day according to the things we know we have to do.

I want to encourage you to make room in your day—to actually set a series of appointments on your daily calendar organizer, or an alarm on your phone—to read the devotional is in this document we call our Advent Book.

These essays, the stories, these interior thoughts from members of your church family, our congregation, will prepare you for Christmas even in the midst of the rest of what's on your no-doubt busy December calendar.

Make room for Advent. Prepare your heart. Merry Christmas.

Grace and Truth.
