Child of Light

Published December 9, 2021 by Vivian Spoede

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light... (Ephesians 5:8)

We hear a lot about "luck" in our day-to-day lives. How lucky was it that my teacher decided not to pick up this homework I didn't have time to finish, or that we had food in Health class today because I didn't have breakfast? We often use it without a second thought. My father, however, challenged me to reject the idea of "luck" and to see the happy little occurrences that brighten my day as God's blessings. It took a while to see things my dad's way, but now I no longer see lucky coincidences. I see God's intentional blessing. He sees my struggles and gives me grace.

This perspective is especially important during Advent, when we celebrate God's biggest blessing to us. Because of the grace offered through Jesus' birth, I grow closer to God every day. Seeing God's grace to me in every blessing, big or small, creates a personal and intimate atmosphere around our relationship. It provides a sense of comfort and joy for my life.

He will always be there to guide me. Knowing God is there and always has my back makes it easier to trust others and to be the light to those around me. It literally brings Ephesians 5:8 into my life: "For you were once darkness, but now you are in the light of the Lord. Live as children of light..."

This week I challenge you to look at your life and instead of seeing "lucky" coincidences, see God's intentional blessing.

Vivian Spoede is a sophomore in high school and a member of the SMBC youth group. She and her family joined South Main in 2017.