
Posted July 1, 2017 by Steve Wells in Worship, Pastor

We have so much to be grateful for as Americans. And we have even more to be grateful for in Christ. What will we teach our children is most important in all the world?

Join us this week at South Main as we consider why we tell the story. We'll have a single service at 10:00, Sunday School at 11:00, and lunch at noon. Come join us!

Am I Willing to Head Into the Promised Land?

Posted June 24, 2017 by Steve Wells in Worship, Pastor

Faithful living often comes down to whether we are willing to cross over into the Promised Land. The problems are obvious: enemies and obstacles abound before us.

And yet, when God calls, He provides a Way. Join us this week at South Main Baptist Church as we consider the call to cross over.

Kenya 2016 Mission Trip, Post #4

Posted October 23, 2016 by Jan Barkley in Missions

When I felt led to go on this mission trip to Kenya, I initially thought that one of my functions would be to help with construction. Michael Goodman and others had talked about building a new structure at the farm, and having worked construction on mission trips in the past, I had missed the opportunity to build something. On a work day in August when we were testing a construction technique…

Kenya 2016 Mission Trip, Post #3

Posted October 22, 2016 by David Johnson in Missions

Today is National Heroes Day in Kenya, and that means the kids did not have to go to school today. Instead, the staff scheduled a soccer tournament with the Laarei Catholic School boys, a private institution similar to Sodzo International. The boys had new cleats in bright orange and green colors, which really stood out, courtesy of Dave Robertson. The team from Laarei had bright orange uniforms…

Kenya 2016 Mission Trip, Post #2

Posted October 21, 2016 by David Johnson in Missions

When I think of Africa, I visualize hot, desert land with wild animals running around, kind of like what one would see at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom exhibit. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to ride in the truck with Elijah, on my journey to Maua, and to discover lush vegetation along the base of Mt. Kenya. Reality was nothing at all like what I visualized Africa to be like.

Kenya 2016 Mission Trip, Post #1

Posted October 18, 2016 by Michael Raimer-Goodman in Missions

We're here in Kenya, halfway around the world in a place that's full of beauty, contradictions, and surprises. It's a place that feels both totally foreign and completely familiar. Today was our first day at Watoto wa Ahadi rescue center. It's difficult to explain how amazing the center really is.

Operación San Andrés Fall 2016 Mission Trip, Post #4

Posted October 14, 2016 by Patti Peymann Romeril in Missions

I am a pharmacist and dispense medications while I am here in Peru. That is my job, my worldly task. I have recently also come to the understanding that this is my "vehicle." I am not the most outgoing individual. It is difficult for me to share my testimony or even be openly religious. But here, as I hand out the medications and counsel the patients how to take them, I can see Jesus in their…

Operación San Andrés Fall 2016 Mission Trip, Post #3

Posted October 13, 2016 by Charis Smith in Missions

Lunch making has its own spiritual lessons. This year I've learned: "Pieces of bread are not alike." I am not required to do the shopping because Spanish and managing transportation is necessary. However, this means I have to make do with what I am given. So sometimes the loaves of bread, though each nourishing in their own way, can present a challenge for a perfect sandwich. I run out of whole…

Operación San Andrés Fall 2016 Mission Trip, Post #2

Posted October 12, 2016 by Sam Law in Missions

I would never wish a day like I had this past Friday on anyone. It was one issue after another. When I travel, I think ahead of time about what I am going to take with me. The actual packing takes place the morning before my flight. But when I got home from the hospital, I was 30 minutes behind schedule. Things were going well until the time I was to leave. I went to the place where I always keep…

Operación San Andrés Fall 2016 Mission Trip, Post #1

Posted October 11, 2016 by Larry Carroll in Missions

This is my first trip to Peru with Operación San Andres, so there is a lot that is new to me. On Saturday, I first saw the OSA house and we began setting up for the coming week's Vacation Bible School and health clinics. Then there was a baptism of 5 ladies at Luz de Esperanza church in Collique, which was very moving to me. The baptistry was a plastic inflatable swimming pool, much like you…

Operación San Andrés Summer 2016 Youth Mission Trip, Post #5

Posted June 16, 2016 by Brian Chambers in Family Ministry, Missions

On our first mission trip to Peru two years ago, our group was able to visit La Plaza de Armas, the beautiful area containing the Cathedral of Lima. Though we could walk around the cathedral's impressive exterior, we were unable to enter. However, this time our small group was fortunate enough to be allowed to enter this awe-inspiring building.

Operación San Andrés Summer 2016 Youth Mission Trip, Post #4

Posted June 15, 2016 by David McKnight in Family Ministry, Missions

Today was our fourth day in Peru and our third day with the OSA kids, and it was life-changing. In the morning we went to Dr. Luis's old school, where we sang, and I had the amazing opportunity to play my trumpet for the students there. We also got to talk to the students in their classrooms, and they understood English fairly well.

Operación San Andrés Summer 2016 Youth Mission Trip, Post #3

Posted June 14, 2016 by Isabella Baar-Hill in Family Ministry, Missions

As a member of the music and dance team on the mission trip to Peru, I teach the kids songs and dances to perform for their parents and friends at the end of the week. Breaking through the language barrier, we learned specific Spanish words that are often used in teaching music and dance.

Operación San Andrés Summer 2016 Youth Mission Trip, Post #2

Posted June 13, 2016 by Drew Barkley in Family Ministry, Missions

Day one of Vacation Bible School. We've spent weeks preparing songs, dances, crafts, games, stories, etc., all for today. For my team, recreation, we had thought about the games we wanted to play with the kids and how the games could relate to the daily scripture and theme. We even prepared back up games in case we had to call an audible, or had extra time at the end.

Operación San Andrés Summer 2016 Youth Mission Trip, Post #1

Posted June 12, 2016 by Anna Rader in Family Ministry, Missions

Today, we got the opportunity to visit OSA's new church, Luz de Esperanza, and meet some of their youth as well as participate in their worship service.

As returning youth, we saw some familiar faces and encountered new ones as we passed through confused faces and broken translations with silly games, from finger jousting to "Gigantes, Magos, y Duendes." Sharing some of our own…

Millennials and the Church

Posted March 26, 2014 by Claire Hein Blanton in Discipleship

The millennial generation grew up in noise. Encouraging noise that we were limitless in setting goals. Disparaging noise that our youthful idealism would become cynicism at too young an age. The noise of our peers and our mentors talking at each other, but not with each other. The noise that individualism should be our focus because reliance on others and trust in leaders is a weakness. There…

Why I Love Manna

Posted June 7, 2012 by Avery Cate in Worship, Missions

Manna is church. It is community. The Trinity Pines Chapel is a safe place to come and rest after a long week. I come because it's such an accepting place, where I don't have to fit into any sort of mold or feel like I have my life under control.

A Saturday Well Spent: Discovery Day

Posted April 30, 2012 by Kyle Barsch in Discipleship

My wife, Kelly, and I had the privilege of participating in Discovery Day this month. To be honest, I wasn't sure exactly why I should attend. Did I have a spiritual gift? How would I actually use one if I did?

Overwhelmed - Sole Chain/Shoes For Orphan Souls

Posted August 22, 2010 by Jennifer Gribble in Missions

Well, it's 6:37PM and I have been struggling for a few hours to find the words to describe my experience today at the Sole Chain/Shoes for Orphan Souls event. For those of you that don't know, today (August 21, 2010) South Main Baptist Church broke the Guinness World Record for the Longest Chain of Shoes. 20,110 shoes were laid out in the church parking lot in Houston. Over 100 volunteers worked…